For me, the beauty of
Shabbat is the outpouring of the love that makes it so special 😊
I love Elohim with all my
life, heart, and soul; no competition allowed – hands down, Elohim wins.
I love Yeshua with all my
life, heart, and soul (Yeshua is equal to Elohim; they are in fact, One);
Yeshua is also, in fact, my Husband 😉
I loved Bob with everything
earthly possible; I love Bob still: and while Bob walked this Earth with me 3¼ years
ago, and Bob knew I loved him above everyone and everything else on earth … Bob
also knew that he stood 2nd place in line to Yeshua. And Bob was
okay with that.
Elohim, Yeshua,
and Bob taught me what love is all about.
Elohim, Yeshua,
and Bob loved me deeply: and I,
in turn, learned to love deeply, too.
I am grateful for their
love. That unconditional love grew me up; and carried me through the truly
heart-rending times of my life to date.
Celebrating this Shabbat with a Spirit of Gratitude for Elohim's blessings.
Every time I meet with my
friends they inquire if I’ve heard from my daughter and grandchildren yet; and
my answer is always – “Not yet.” My friends know the whole story (most
of them have gone through my heartaches with me over the decades; their hearts
hurt with mine).
Since Bob’s graduation to
life in the Celestial City beyond the clouds, God has graciously blessed me
with friendships (old, and new) that have wrapped their love around me
and adopted me into their personal family nucleus.
Today’s Earlier Post
I am thankful, & filled with gratitude.
And I am in touch with all of them nearly every day of the
week 😊
Monday is about the only
free-floating day … and I use that day to do laundry; because laundry is
an all-day event 😉 The rest of the stuff like dusting, mopping
floors, cleaning the bathroom, ect., can be done after I’ve spent time with my
friends because I can portion those things out over the weekdays.
One friend I’ve come to
cherish, is my BIL Rick. I’ve only known Rick for about three years. Bob left
my life in December of 2018 … and my sister Iris, and her husband Rick, entered
my life in February of 2019. That was a true blessing: and I’d been
waiting for connection with Iris for 55 years: Elohim was faithful.
On the right side - Iris, Iris's mother, Rick in the back.
Iris’s spirit stepped off Earth
in September 2019; but Rick and I remain in contact. The other day, Rick sent
me some genealogical information about my bio-father and his siblings – things I
did not know.
Full Names of my birth father's siblings ...
A specific kindness to me concerning my mother.
Rick did not have to do
this. My bio-father was not kind in any way, shape, or form to my sister Iris: and I am sure there was bitterness towards my mother.
But I loved Iris as soon as I was aware of her existence (I learned about my
sister when I was 10 yo, by overhearing the adults talking). And Rick is
motivated by that love to connect as ‘family’ – we both loved Iris. And Rick
is being kind to me as family members should be.
Familial kindness just for
the sake of familial binding is a new experience for me.
Bob was the only
person in my entire life, who ever truly loved me, just because
I suck air.
But over these past three
years of Solo Loboing, and allowing myself time and space needed for my heart
to heal, Elohim has created a ‘community family’ for me; by surrounding me by
old friends, sending me new friends, and forging strong Church ties, as well. “Family”
in a Christian’s life doesn’t always include natural DNA: Yeshua taught that
the Church is our Family (Matthew 12:46 & 50), and that a friend
sticks closer than a brother (or sister, mother, daughter, ect.,).
Another 'family' branch - and one I admit I was reluctant to renew. But Elohim had other plans ...
Imperials – ‘Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters’ song:
2 CORINTHIANS ~ Chapter 8/Thursday Bible Study Post:
Life teaches
that people, even Christian people, will be fickle and faithless: it’s human nature that people give into
… people will get hurt, and people will continue to hurt people;
but Yeshua will always be a true and faithful Friend 😊
Selah – ‘Oh The Deep, Deep, Love of Jesus’ song:
I am thankful, & filled with gratitude.
Yeshua has anointed my head with joy; laugh-lines are the result ;-)
I am thankful also that
Elohim has specifically set 24 hours aside to rest our bodies and spirit – and to
refresh our souls with His great outpouring of love towards those of us who are
called out of the world’s chaos, and given kinship status with His Son, Yeshua,
Who is also the Bridegroom of The Church (His Bride).
That rest – that
love … is the beauty of Shabbat.
Joshua Aaron – Hu
Yavo (hoo-YA-voh) – ‘He Will Come’ song:
As Shabbat unfolds, I get my
Gratitude’s List out, and give Ehad Eloheinu praise for all that He
has done for me 😊
The wine I selected for this
Shabbat is a wine I saw in Albertson’s last time I was there – it is a
combination of red wine and chocolate: a dream wine for women 😉
Perfect ending for a pretty
perfect day 😊
Selah – ‘You Are My Hiding Place’ song: