Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


I was up and out of the house early this morning for exercise with my friends in Castle Rock. There were some people there this week that I had not met last week – all friendly, funny, and companionable for the 45 minutes I was there. I am sore when I leave because I am stretching and toning muscles I have not used since I was hefting my grandson ... I have not held, or lifted him in a long time. But the muscle burn is good; and I have always felt balanced after a good workout. I am glad I am doing this :-D

After exercise, I left castle Rock …

Smelt dipping along the Cowlitz River.

… and headed to Keenager’s, where meeting with friends there, boosted my spirit even more. I arrived early, so I waiting in the car and did a Word Search until the doors opened:

Elohei is faithful.

Once the doors opened, and while waiting for others to arrive, I schmoozed with Judy and her husband Dave – today’s kitchen hosts; Alice, who is a lovely person, asked me how I am doing (she is a widow too; about 25-30 years older than me), and I told her I am doing a lot better now that a lot of stress has been eliminated from my life. I also said that I have been set free to pursue a new life that will have nothing to do with hate anymore; and that I have given my life totally into Elohei’s hands, open to whatever He has waiting for me in my new life – He sees the future, and He knows what I need in my life. Love comes in many forms. I will accept what He sends my way and be thankful. Alice said it sounds like I am doing great after such a short period of regrouping time, and she is praying for me … and “anxiously waiting to see what happens” with my new life. And shy Dave showed up with 2 plates of sliced ham; and a meaty ham bone, that is now in my ‘fridge ;-)

I was wishing for a ham bone the other day – I would have gotten one from Alyna’s workplace in Portland, if Bob were still here. Or from Yelm’s butcher shop. But Bob is not here: and Yelm is a long way off. This is a special gift and an answer to prayer :-D

The message at today’s Keenager Meet was taken from Psalm 77. The theme was verbal processing. I chuckled and nodded my head as the speaker explained verbal processing: that is something I have done all my life – that is how I work through a problem until a solution is found. Bob understood that about me: it always annoys the kids. But Bob knew that when I am facing a huge issue, I have to verbally work through every single issue surrounding the main issue until I find the answer that is hidden in the puzzling issue. I have to solve the issue by verbalizing it and hearing the process; eventually the solution manifests itself, and the problem gets solved and settled. Bob understood that my verbal processing was my soul asking for Elohei’s insight, guidance, and solution assessment.

And anyone reading my FB or Blog posts can see that I am verbally processing what is happening in my life – I am very transparent with my thoughts, and they may be all over the place: but that is how verbal processing happens. If I don’t see the solution – someone reading or listening to me, might. But the solution is always there somewhere.

When I got back home, I was informed that the tent city camping around City Hall ...

... will not be shifted to the proposed Willow Grove-Industrial Way junction area. There was too much red tape and controversy over the wetlands situation and methane gas issue. ((((THANK YOU, ELOHIM!)))) I was worried when I read Monday, in the Park Newsletter, that the City Council was thinking of making that area a tent city sanctuary – that would literally have been in the Park’s backyard. And I am a woman alone now – an old woman, alone, now. Most of the people in tent cities are maximum security felons, hard core druggies and drug dealers, rapists and pedophiles, serious mental cases, and other criminal elements. They are in tent cities because they refuse to adhere to Shelter rules and regulations … or they are too violently dangerous to be allowed entrance into a Shelter. It would not have been a good situation; we are already having homeless people troll the Park, and last year there was a break-in and a murder in the Park; one street over from mine.

The best place to place the tent city if the City of Longview wants to be a sanctuary city is to place it next to the Court House where actual police monitoring will really happen – the City said there would be “police monitoring” at the Willow Grove-Industrial Way junction … but the City is notorious for stating, “We do not have the man-power” when people in rural areas, and the City outskirts request the police make an appearance to settle criminal activity. The police will only show up if there has been a physical assault – or a death; and even then, they take their time getting out here because ‘there is not enough manpower’ and ‘that’s outside the city limits – we’ll let the highway patrol know: they’ll contact you’ … HOURS LATER if you are lucky they respond at all. If there is a break-in or a trespass … they won’t even bother to show up. Unless there is an actual physical assault, or a death.

I am just thankful, and praising Elohim that the thing will not be set up out here. MPO is that government, city, and county officials that embrace sanctuary lawlessness should open their homes and their back yards to the criminal riff-raff they are passing off onto rural communities and city outskirts where there is no present police protection for the lawful people that PAY FOR police protection, and expect it.

I don’t even have the option of the protection of my children. My daughter’s response to my Monday concerns was, “You owe me an apology for the past 35 years; and if I don’t get it, you deserve whatever happens to you. I am not interested in rebuilding the burned bridge between us. And Alyna and Liam agree with me.” She said other things too, that drove the final nail home. So – there will be no help there, because there is no love there: it is scorched earth toxicity. And her response really settled the relationship question in both our minds: it’s over. Finished. I can move on and forward rebuilding my new life, with a clear conscience: and without worrying about ‘how my life choices may affect the family’. There is no immediate family anymore. Stacey ended that Monday morning.

I choose to be happy; I have always chosen to be happy.

There is no place anymore for unbridled hate in my life.

Today I was surrounded and cushioned by love all day long :-D

And verbal processing was flowing freely today ;-)

My friends understand me … and those who are only acquaintances are beginning to understand me.

Love embraces quirky weirdness.

Live for love is the motto for 2020.

I love You, Elohim.

I love you, Babe.

Always ~ OX

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