Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

demoncrat CHAOS


Last week was ridiculous – this week is just craziness. The demoncrats are out of control.

In both instances, the demoncrats tried something new – an unprecedented, and underhanded political coup attempt to oust President Trump since Day 1 … and the introduction of a caucus counting appt that no one understood HOW TO USE.

Total failure in BOTH instances.

C-SPAN didn’t even think it important enough yesterday to broadcast the demoncrat Senator’s arguments – I checked ALL DAY LONG. This article is ALL the coverage there was; both on the internet, and on my phone: (

I finally went to bed around 10 PM last night: and woke up to the Iowa caucus mess this morning.

C-SPAN is broadcasting the final arguments concerning impeachment today ( that is NOT Chief Justice, Roberts giving his ear to the proceedings. Even the Chief Justice deems the demoncrat ridiculousness as utter bullshit.

I don’t “stage” my personal vids: what you see, is what you get ;-) Right now, I am going through a shingles outbreak, and loose clothing works for me. So, I wear a lot of Bob’s tees because they are loose and light, and stay away from close skin contact; plus, it keeps him close to me, in this small way: in that way, I suppose this shingles outbreak could be considered ‘a blessing’ ;-)

And ... I was reading about the caucus debacle on my phone's newsfeed - thus the early-morning, in-bed vids, commenting on unfolding events. 4 AM was just too early to get up and start turning lights on in the livingroom. MPO

My vids are short; and many, because Blogger does not allow for anything larger, and I don't want a YouTube account. Right now, this works for me ;-)

Bob really didn’t care about politics; he’d suffer through them when Election time rolled around, but he generally ignored the entire process – and me as long as the Election season was in full swing: he didn't want to hear it. 

I really miss him.

We may not have agreed when it came to politics, but we agreed on important issues: what we wanted in life, where we wanted our life together to go, how we wanted our marriage to proceed forward; how we wanted to raise our children, faith … faith was a big thing with us: we agreed on the important issues of life. Everything else people argue, fight, and divorce over are fluff and stuff – just ‘fillers’ in life, and it doesn’t mean a whole hellovalot at the end of the day. What matters at the end of the day is where your life is going – and that you have someone next to you that loves you unconditionally.

In my lifetime, I’ve seen 9 Presidents … and 1 interloper … sworn in: Johnson and Ford were both Vice-Presidents who were bumped up into President position – Johnson, following President Kennedy’s assassination; and Ford, following Nixon’s impeachment.

Nixon and Clinton were impeached because they perjured themselves under oath. They were both caught red-handed, but it was the web they built with their lies that did them in. Perjury IS A CRIME – and that a President would deliberately lie UNDER OATH to tell the truth is unpardonable; they’ve at that point, lost ALL credibility.

carter and obama came out of left-field: neither one of them were [known] politically. And both, put themselves forward falsely as ‘Christian’ to win the Election: both proved themselves false in short order. Both bow to and placate terrorists, and both are blatantly anti-American; favoring anti-American sympathies with terrorist fueled countries – carter has, since leaving the Oval Office and White House, stumped proliferously for, and STILL touts palestinian propaganda; obama’s close friend is an avowed domestic terrorist, obama openly hosted known terrorists at the White House, bowed to terrorist leadership, and openly SENT AMERICAN DOLLARS TO a known terrorist county to fund terrorism. carter, in the later 1970’s, single handedly gave rise to the ayatollah; and obama carried that relationship forward – matching that islamic fervor of his, with unrestrained godless perversions of every shape, flavor, and color. Both men are demonic driven traitors, and should be treated as such, receiving the FULL penalty for traitors. If they escape their earthly penalties, I am sure they will roast in Hell for their wickedness. MPO

Reagan, Bush Sr., and Dubbya (self-retarded Bush Jr.) were all, in MHO, incompetent nincompoops – Reagan and Sr., were clueless dimwits run by their wives … and Dubbya was run by his mother; and a puppet for obama. Reagan was behind the Contra Scandal, Bush Sr., gave a nazi themed speech for his State of the Union Address, and Dubbya instigated 9/1/1. The three stooges are not high on my list of American accomplishments.

The verdict is still out on Trump: History will be the deciding voice on his terms in Office as President. But, as of right now … HE IS DOING A GOOD JOB of fulfilling every promise made to Americans concerning America, and what is best for her and for us as a Nation, unparalleled anywhere in the world. And Americans are better off for it – even if they claim otherwise.

So, you see, I do not favor any particular political party.

I AM AN AMERICAN, not a political lemming.

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