Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, September 23, 2022


Before the Shabbat hour arrived tonight, I went for a short hike along the lower end of the Pacific Way Trail this morning – then, I cleaned the bird house and feeder Bob built for me: they needed to be sanitized. The bird house will be stored away until Spring; but the feeder will feed birds year’round, so it went back up on the cast-iron-stake Bob pounded into place our first year here (Bob only lived in this house with me, for 18 months). It comforts my heart to see visual examples of his love for me; now that he walks the golden streets of Heaven, with Yeshua 😊

Cleaning bird house & feeder.
Cozy bird's nest; wisely built.
Foaming cleaner.
When this is thoroughly dry, I'll store it in the shed until Spring.
The feeder will be put back in place, to feed bird's all year'round.
Inside, my smallest Angel Wing plant has blossomed.

Shabbat is a Jewish holiday that happens every week – I have Hebrew DNA in me, so I honor Shabbat. I do not practice orthodox Judaism, as I believe orthodoxy has seriously strayed from the purity of the original Shabbat.

I recognize, and honor, Shabbat according to Scripture: though Yeshua, speaking the New Covenant guidelines, does not command the Sabbath to be kept … He is the Son of God and understood the importance of the Sabbath – and being born into the line of a prominent Jewish family that could trace it’s roots back to the beginning of the practice of the Sabbath, I have no doubt whatsoever that He acknowledged and practiced keeping Shabbat 😉

But as I mentioned above … I do not hold to the religious rigidity of orthodox practice of the Sabbath.

I do, however, as a Messianic Christian Believer … set Friday evening and all day Saturday to nightfall aside to rest my body, relax my mind, and enjoy friends – all to-do Lists, hard labor, and daily worries and shelved until Monday: I do not acknowledge them during my ‘Island of Rest’ period of time.

I find it peacefully exciting to know that all around this world – in every community, every Jewish and Messianic Believing home in those communities –people in their special way, are practicing the peace of Shabbat 😊

Other than personally entering into the Shabbat, there is no one specific way to celebrate this weekend Holiday. In other words, there is no {incorrect} way. One is allowed the freedom to eat a special meal … or not; one can eat their meal and drink their wine with a partner or with friends … or not; one can think about the past week, and consider the week ahead … or not.

The only requirement is focus on Elohei, and just breathe easy.

Of course, feeling gratitude towards Elohei and for those around you is good, too – and enhances the Shabbat experience 😊

SHABBAT GOBLETS hold 4 oz. wine.