Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Well … Elohim granted me another day of life: I woke up this morning after last night’s harrowing asthma attack.

Last night I had gone to bed drained, sore, and still struggling to breathe after I was finally able to use my inhaler; and I honestly did not believe I’d make it through the night – even with my fancy electrical bed that rises my upper body to allow easier breathing.

But Elohim apparently thinks I have more to do, here on Earth; and has granted me a stay with the Grim Reaper in my life’s timeline.

This is the second serious asthma attack this year; and the most serious one - I literally could not suck air in. I felt like plastic wrapping had been placed over my face: I could feel blood vessels popping on my face, chest, and in my throat. It lasted longer, was very severe, and nearly gave me a heart attack on top of it (my left arm, as well as my rib cage, was still aching when I went to bed).

Christmas Eve Asthma Attack:

I am glad I was able to talk with our oldest granddaughter from the East Coast, yesterday – before the attack.

My niece-daughter, in Nevada, texted me this morning, bright and early 😊

And, she called before noon: my throat was sore/voice was hoarse from the strenuous coughing last night; and when she asked why … I told her. I also told her to enjoy her holiday and not worry about me, as I am breathing easier this morning – and I am alive.

She told me that I “need someone” in my life … and I told her I’m thinking about it.

Bob will always be my man – but he wanted me to get on with life; and he understood that I would need someone I could count on to be with me in times like last night. Bob knew I would never love anyone else like him: but Bob also knew I’d need a friend in my life who cares if I live or die; someone who would help me get over the hump of bad times like last night. When one is literally suffocating … it helps to have another person around who can think clearly and step into the gap.

I made light of the possibility of my dying, and no one would know until the stench made it obvious to anyone passing by my house.

That is a real concern.

No loving husband; a real helpmate.

No kids who care enough to care.

No grandkids who live nearby; they care, they just aren’t readily available to help.

No friends who are “close friends”.

I did make arrangements shortly after becoming a Widow – I informed family members on both sides, of my heart and lung issues, asked a few of them if they’d be my contacts (they said yes) – and I made extra housekeys … and handed them out.

All the people who should be calling daily to check up on me (those with house keys for that specific reason), have not called. AT ALL; 2019 was 2 years ago. The ”networking” is not working. Communication is full of static; and the links are broken.

I do have friends. But, they have families of their own. When it comes to “hookups”, they think of getting together for coffee, and occasional lunches/suppers – they are not thinking of checking up on me to make sure I am alive day to day; I am a friend – I am not their family member.

None of these people understand what it is to be totally alone; I am not faulting them - by and large, they are good people who have embraced me - but, they have people in thier lives 24/7/365: they cannot comprehend that I am quite literally a.l.o.n.e. in life with life threatening issues, on a daily basis (weak lungs/faulty heart). They all joke about needing to be alone (jokingly wishing away thier hubby and kids "that annoy them"), but they don't understand the seriousness that a solo lobo life entails.

And then there is the 24/7/365 covid hysteria that has people (even some of those mentioned above) too scared to risk getting involved: making a house call to see why I am not answering my phone will not be happening from scaredy-cats.

And if I cannot breathe; I cannot call 911.

If I die, no one will know but me and God.

All that said …

I saw through phone notifications yesterday, that snow would be arriving around 5 AM this morning, so – when I stumbled off to bed last night, I set the alarm clock ‘just in case’ I actually woke up: this snowbaby likes to watch the first flakes of snow falling 😊

However, snow did not make an appearance this morning.

As of yet (12:42 PM), snow still is not on the air. There is snow on the KM (about 45 minutes away); there is snow on Beaver Creek (a few miles up the road; maybe 10 minutes away); there is snow up Rose Valley (maybe 10 minutes the opposite direction); there is snow up the Toutle (about 25 minutes away) … but no snow locally (in immediate vicinity; town).

Snow on the KM, early morning today.
7-inches of snow on Beaver Creek today; noon posting.

While I wait for the “ify” snow predicted; I’m going to snuggle under Bob’s comfy recliner blanket, drink peppermint flavored coffee (coffee is good for asthma – peppermint is good for my holiday mood 😉), and finish reading my last Christmas novel.

Coffee & Asthma:

All three stories in the novel are based around a town named Mistletoe, Texas.

Last Christmas novel in my book cache.

It finally started snowing a little after 4 PM 😊

Big, FAT, fluffy flakes – I love a snowy Christmas ðŸ˜Š

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