Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, December 26, 2020


I’m restless.

I was born with itchy feet; they gotta be moving …

standing still makes me twitchy.

I start feeling hemmed in; picketed. 

I get restless.

I’ve been pretty much tethered to the house since August, and that isolation has given me quite a lot of time to think.

Reassess my situation. 

Consider readjustments.

Realign my life’s then, now, and what’s next concepts.

I’ve been at a stand-still for months – it started with the demonrat sanctioned blm anarchist fires that rampaged across the entire PNW … and set-in with the recent sciatic/arthritis setback: the pain has backed off significantly, and I am able to get through the day now with 2 Ibuprofen in the mornings 😊

I am also able to sit at the table for a couple hours … I am doing this in preparation for the planned Spring road trips, which will be a couple hours in length ‘round trip. So far, I am managing to sit at the table for 3 hours, listening to the radio, and playing solitaire: about the length of a short Sunday~Funday Daytrip 😉

While I was listening to the radio DJ, and dreaming of the upcoming 2021 Sunuday~Funday’s, I devised a new solitaire layout – in the form of the Star of David shape.

MOD Solitaire foundation: Top down: 1 face up; Row 2: 2 ct. = 1 face down, 1 up x 2; Row 3: 3 ct. = 2 face down, 1 up x 2; Row 4: 2 ct. = 1 face down, 1 up x 2; Row 5: 1 face up. The rank and play of the cards is the same as a regular game of solitaire.

And rejoicing in Elohim’s blessing to grace me with a traveling companion, when Spring rolls around!

So, I am really looking forward to March 2021 – the roads should be free of ice, and landslide debris by then; that is the {scheduled timeline goal}, anyway … and the weather should be more friendly to travel-minded folks, like me.