Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, March 16, 2020


The media has whipped people into hysterical frenzies over this coronavirus thing.

America is practically shut down, political candidates and media host pundits are dangerously politicizing the ordeal, and I’ve heard from friends that families have actually gotten into divisional conflicts that ruin family unity: it’s like the frigging Civil War Era.

Parents of young children are scared, Senior Citizens are freaking out, Scientists and political candidates are spinning bullshit in a twisted frenzy of frustrated cluelessness that is meant to sooth … and only scares the hell out of those already hysterical with fear.

NO ONE KNOWS the answer – and yet, everyone seems to have an answer they insist President Trump implement asap.

And if they can’t get President Trump to listen to their fearful suggestions, they will attack anyone within earshot.

They are operating on fear.

Rationality has flown.

It doesn’t take much for someone to get their panties in a twist and start snapping like an enraged goose.

The argument started with a reply to an innocent and humorous post … and went south in a hurry when disagreement reared its head. Things went from ‘It's an unknown cold’ - to - ‘it’s mutated strand of SARS' - hmmm ... SARS is a mutated strand of the 1950's coronavirus, which is a bit more than a cold; the argument is loop reasoning which is illogical and aimless.

I replied with scientific facts that tied the two together – I can read. I can understand what I am reading. I can comprehend what is being stated.

But, what do I - an aging haus frau - know?

Apparently, nothing.

My husband died 15 months/2 days/13 hours and 39 minutes ago from stress induced-pancreatitis with MRSA and respiratory complications – both picked up in the hospitals. For all I know, Bob may have contacted a form of coronavirus in his Peace Health hospital room when a nurse roomed a desperately ill man with a case of pneumonia that had him destined for OHSU stat – that seriously pissed me off because Bob was in a very fragile medical state at that time: that man should not have been anywhere near Bob. I, myself, came home from OHSU after Bob’s spirit left this Earth, with a severe case of influenza.

So, I know WHAT these illnesses ARE.

I do not need to be snarkily schooled by someone who empties bedpans and changes sheets in a nursing home.

I got the news of my husband’s physical decline from actual physicians and surgeons.

I watched my husband die.


‘Coronavirus and MRSA are completely different: one’s respiratory and the other is in the blood stream – I’m a health care worker, I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about and what we’re dealing with’. (MRSA of human coronavirus OC43 has been dated to the 1950’s – PLENTY OF TIME FOR A VACCINE TO HAVE BEEN MADE); but she was highly agitated and self-righteously upset … I gave her a pass, and signed off with love before things were said that couldn’t be unsaid.

Again … IT’S THE SAME VIRUS, morphing into separate attack modes. It’s a virus that acts like cancer.

I may not be a health care worker … but I do KNOW HOW to read and comprehend WHAT I am reading. {EX: ‘In humans, coronaviruses can cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), and other infections that can be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. There are not yet any vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections}. Even if she truly meant MRSA, which is a staph infection, only seriously ill people get struck with it … “seriously ill” as in weakened by lengthy hospitalizations, nursing home environments, and the coronavirus – loop argument, again. Plus, MRSA is treatable if caught in time: coronavirus is not; coronavirus jumps ‘cures’. And if a person is so weakened by the virus that their body does into shutdown, treatment for MRSA is moot.

Coronavirus is uncurable. Like cancer.

How long have scientists been working in a cure for cancer?

There is no cure because cancer mutates; cancer will always jump ‘cures’.

Science promises much more than it can ever deliver.

People do not want to face realities – they want to be lied to: lies are easier to live with that truths.

I prefer truth.

I don't put too much faith in the government/scientific low-downs laced with placating lies.

This coronavirus has been around since at least the 1950's. Basic hygiene, healthy meals, chewing raw garlic, drinking green tea ... and Kerry's always present Oil of Oregano, sunshine, and fresh air actually does work ... I already avoid as many people as possible; I'm good.

Other FB Pages were bitching about how capitalism is the plague that spawned the coronavirus; and socialism is the only cure.

FB is overrun by irrational ridiculousness. This coronavirus and how to tackle it is NOT ABOUT MONEY – it’s a fucking V.I.R.U.S. people! And it doesn’t care who it attacks: rich or poor … people are gonna die. It thumbs its nose at $$$$$$. Throwing $$$$$$ at it, and following a particular socialist politician won’t stop it.


They may not like Capitalism, and that is their prerogative – in America, people have the right to be stupid and immature; but the willingness to retard oneself should not be foisted on the general public. It certainly should not be considered witty or enlightened.

Socialism is not the answer to what the world is experiencing. Viruses come and go – people die. That is sad, but a sad truth should not cloud a sad reality: in countries where socialism has gotten a foothold, people still die. And those that survive have NO HOPE OF REBOUNDING OR THRIVING.

ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: If countries that embrace socialism are so damned wonderful … WHY ARE PEOPLE TRYING TO FLEE THEM TO COME TO AMERICA?

They are trying to come because they WANT WHAT WE HAVE.

THEY WANT WHAT ONLY CAPITALISM CAN GIVE THEM: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness (aka: a chance at making big bucks which led to a better life that socialism cannot give them). Isn’t it strange how the people who scream for socialism and cry about the evils of capitalism, crave wealth and prestige?

Don’t listen to politicians who are politicizing this horrible ordeal to hoodwink the clueless into a retarded mindset that will ruin lives and destroy our Country – that is what they want. Once they have you, they will use you-abuse you-and discard you. Ask those in socialist countries who are appealing to leave socialist countries.

Nothing in life is for free.

Death comes to everyone.

Socialism will not stop death – but it sure as hell stops life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

And the squalor of socialism – as can clearly be seen in every sanctuary state, in forms of filthy living, and piling up feces in the streets, leads to unsanitary living conditions for everyone: and THAT leads to pandemics when illness and disease get a foothold.

I am not going to spend the remaining years of my life arguing with anyone – about anything … especially when they prefer arrogant ignorance to logical realities.

At this point in my life, when people start their ridiculous ‘I’m right – you’re wrong’ drama, I’ll practice what Bob used to do … go for a walk to cool off.

It’s not worth the engagement.

Fresh air.


Getting away from the pandemic "rain".

I started my Pennsylvania Street Dike Hike at 2:00 PM; we always enjoyed walking here and watching the wildlife - ducks, otters, turtles, and herons.

Bob, me, and grandson watching a Great Blue Heron. July 28th, 2018.
Otter. February 2, 2017
Bob pointed out turtles sunning, to us. April 21, 2018.
A fuzzy-wuzzy caterpillar. April 21, 2018.
Guy talk. April 21, 2018. 4 months later there would be no more memories to be made.
Babies! April 30, 2018.

All I saw today were a variety of ducks and some buzzards:

A pair of Hooded Merganser ducks.
A pair of Mallard ducks.
2 Male Mallard ducks.
2 Male Tufted ducks - they have blue bills; I don't know why the blue is not showing, but the duck bills are a medium baby blue color.

A family on the other side of the slough used to hang over their porch rail and chat with us while we fed homemade bread heels to the ducks; I haven’t been doing this hike for a while, so I’m not sure if the family still lives here – they may not recognize me without Bob, and little handsome.

Next time I walk the Dike Hike walk, I’ll have to bring that bag of bread heels that have been in the freezer since August 2018.

Bob won’t be coming back.

Neither will our little prince; he so enjoyed throwing the heels to the ducks and watching them gobble them up. But, those days are over now: now, it’s just me doing my solo lobo thing …

Just around the bend of the trail, a wild Crab Apple trees is in full bloom:

It was a beautiful day today; not a cloud in the sky. 54-degrees, and pretty warm while walking :-D

A bright orange bush – just a few paces ahead, I reached the end of the gravel trail, and turned to head back to car.

Around 2:30 PM, just as I reached the end of the gravel trail and started backtracking – Pam called and asked me to meet her at Willow Grove for the trail walk; I agreed … and started walking faster.

Coming into the final stretch near the car, a big dark bird swooping and swirling on the air waves caught my eye – I tried to discern what type of bird it was: it didn’t resemble an eagle … and it wasn’t a duck. It was too big to be a raven, too …

Saw an Eagle; I wasn't sure what it was, until I viewed the video later at home, and clearly saw the white ...
Looks like the old mansion, off Old Pacific Highway, is being remodeled.

I was thankful when the car came into view – I haven’t speed walked in a long time – my hips, thighs, and feet were feeling the burn ;-)

I took the Old Pacific Highway backroad to Coal Creek, and crossed Ocean Beach Highway; getting to the Willow Grove Boat Launch parking lot at 3:10 PM.

Mt. St. Helens was showing herself today, against the blue and cloudless sky:

Mt. St. Helens. Seen from Willow Grove Boat Launch Parking Lot.
Mt. St. Helens. Seen from upper Trail loop at Willow grove.

The Willow Grove trail walk was as enjoyable this afternoon, as it was yesterday afternoon :-D


And it was nice to walk with a friend ;-)

Mt. St. Helens. Seen from Industrial Way Road & Willow Grove Road junction on way home.

By 3:45 PM., I was parking in my carport.

Yawning heavily and deeply by 8:39 P.M.

Trusting Elohei with my life, and sleeping like a baby at midnight ;-)