Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, December 26, 2018



And when it was decided that we should sail to Italy, they placed Paul, together with some other prisoners, in the care of a captain named Julius, a member of the imperial regiment. We went on board a ship from Adramyttium, which was about to sail along the coastal places of Asia Minor. And as we set out to sea, we had with us Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica. The next day we made a stop at Sidon. There Julius, who was kind to Paul, gave him leave to visit his friends and to refresh himself.

Then setting out again, we sailed along the south coast of Cyprus so as to avoid the contrary winds. And then, having crossed the sea along Cilicia and Pamphylia, we arrived at Myra in Lycia. There the captain discovered an Alexandrian ship that was bound for Italy, and transferred us to it. We sailed along slowly for several days and had difficulty reaching Cnidus. As the wind would not let us go on, we sailed along the south of Crete, passing Salome. And though hardly making any headway, we came to a place called Fair Havens, near the town of Lasea.

Since much time has been lost, the fall festival was already over and navigation had become dangerous. Paul therefore gave warning. “Sirs,” he said, “it seems to me that this voyage will likely end in disaster and great loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also of our lives.” The captain, however, put his faith in the pilot and the owner of the ship rather than in what Paul had said. Furthermore, the harbor was not fit to winter in, so the great majority favored the idea of setting out to sea again, in hopes that they might possibly reach port and winter in Phoenix, a harbor in Crete facing northeast and southeast.

Then, when a gentle south wind started to blow, they supposed that their plan was favorable, so they weighed anchor and set sail, keeping close to the Cretan shore. But it was not long before a terrible gale, known as a north-easter, burst down upon them. The ship was caught in the grip of the wind and could not face it, hence we gave up and were driven before it. As we passed under the shelter of a small island called Clauda, we managed with great difficulty to make the ship’s boat safe. They hoisted it up and then they bound ropes around the ship to brace it. But from fear that they would be thrown upon the Syrtis quicksands, they lowered the sail and let the ship drift.

The next day, as the ship was violently tossed about by the tempest, they began to throw the cargo overboard. And on the 3rd day with their own hands they threw overboard the ship’s tackle. For many days we saw neither sun nor stars, and a great storm continues to bear down on us, so finally we lost all hope of being saved.

And when they had not food to eat for a long time, Paul stood among them and said, “Friends, truly you should have listened to me and not set sail from Crete to undergo this disaster and loss. But now I want to encourage you to be of good cheer, for there will not be any loss of life among you, but only the loss of the ship. For last night there stood by my side an angel from the God to whom I belong and whom I serve.  The angel said, ‘Paul! Don’t be afraid! You must appear before the emperor, and Elohei has given to you the lives of all your fellow voyagers.’ Therefore, cheer up men! I believe in Elohei, and that it will turn out exactly as it was told to me. We shall, however. Be shipwrecked on some island.”

On the 14th night of the storm, as we were drifting about in the Adriatic Sea, the sailors about midnight began to suspect that land was near. By taking soundings they found the depth to be 120 feet. When they had gone a little further, they sounded again and found 90 feet. Then, fearing that we might be dashed against the rocky shore, they dropped 4 anchors from the stern and waited for dawn to come soon. The sailors were planning to abandon the ship. So, under pretense that they were going to drop anchors from the prow, they lowered the boat into the sea. Then Paul said to the captain and the soldiers, “These men must stay in the ship or you cannot be saved!” Then the sailors cut away the ropes of the boat and let it go.

Just before the break of day, Paul urged them all to eat some food. “Today is the 14th day,” he said, “that you have not had time to eat because of your being on watch. I beg you, therefore, to take something to eat. You need it for your own safety. For not one of you will lose even a hair of his head.” Having said this, he too some bread, gave thanks to Elohim before the all, broke the bread and began to eat. All of them, then, much encouraged, helped themselves to food. There were, all told, 276 of us on the ship. When they had satisfied their hunger, they threw the supply of grain into the sea in order to lighten the ship.

When daylight came they could not recognize the land, but they spied a bay with a bench and resolved to run the ship ashore there if possible. So they cat away the anchors and left them in the sea. Then they loosened the ropes on the rudders, hoisted the foresail to the wind and made for the shore. But they struck a shoal, made by 2 opposing sea currents, and the ship ran aground. The prow of the ship stuck fast and was immovable, but the stern broke up under the violent pounding of the waves. The soldiers had in mind to kill the prisoners, fearing that they would swim ashore and escape. But the captain wanted to save Paul and prevented them from carrying out their intentions. He ordered all who could swim to jump overboard and strike out for the shore. And as for the rest, some should use boards, and others should grab anything they could find on the ship. And in this way it came about that they all got safely to land.


OMG ...

This is SO HARD!

So … I took care of most of the name changes the day before Christmas after Hub’s Death Certificate finally arrived; couldn’t do anything until then. Today I am still trying to switch everything into my name, and was totally unprepared for hidden transfer fees and delayed transfers - taking Hub's name off the house title/property tax is $46.00 ... not large, but when you don't have it, it IS a large sum. Ditto for the vehicle title transfer, which is $37.50: I hope and pray I will have these sums available the end of February to get it done. I thought that since both our names are on everything it would just be a simple procedure to pull his name and switch everything to my name only – but ((((NO))))!!!! – I have to also have the Titles on hand with Death certificate and Marriage License; WHO walks around with these things on their person? And then AARP has UPPED the Insurance costs to an additional $22/yr because now "there is only 1 driver instead of 2"; uuhh … oookaaay. Seems to me the price should go down since there is only 1 driver. Right? And the Bank wants me to WAIT 3 months - at least - to be sure "any forthcoming checks in his name can be cashed instead of held up if you do it now." I get it, kinda: but I just don't want to be dealing with grieving and crying anew for months on end when having to put things off.

I just want all of it o.v.e.r already! Losing him is hard enough without revisiting it again, and again, and again just to make the tax man happy. How can I move forward if I am kept in suspended limbo or am dragged backwards time and time again?

No one tells you these things beforehand so you are prepared. Hubs and I discussed life after death many times over the past decades, and he did everything he could to make sure I would not be left struggling if he went before me. I thought we had everything covered: apparently not. I hope there are no more sudden surprises.

It is hard to find them out unexpectedly when you are already dealing with so many other things you now have to do on your own :-(