Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, April 6, 2019


Bacteria are rebelling; they are evolving and turning the tide against antibiotics by outsmarting science's wonder drugs.

"It is a creatures from the black lagoon ... it bubbled up and is now everywhere."

Read the complete article here:


It is C.R.A.Z.Y. outside today!

The winds blowing in off the river are hard, making trees bend and moan when they are hit with strong gusts.

The pelting rain literally skips and sweeps down the street - driven hard by the strong gusts.

The brave birds feeding at the bird feeder Bob deigned and built for me a few years ago dig their toes into the mesh and hang on while the feeder rocks and jolts, riding out the strong gusts.

Torn and shredded tree litter litters the street and driveways ... and the street gutters are choking on the littering debris.

Wasn't this supposed to be March's thing: "in like a lion, out like a lamb"?

Meanwhile, the sky IS ROBIN EGG BLUE and The sun is trying valiantly to shine through galloping fluffy clouds overhanging this weather mayhem.

It is crazy outside today.