Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


I had an appointment in town with Dr. tack about my eyeglasses lenses this morning. That went okay – my eyes were checked, and the prescription in my right lens changed. Hopefully when my glasses are returned to me, I will be able to actually use them.

I did not have to wear a mask: the receptionists did not like that, but I did not have to wear one.

I am actually medically exempt, per State ‘mandate’ … but businesses are not respecting that exemption. Some are very insistent.

Already, every business in town is acting like angry joe has won the Election … they are doubling down on mask wearing; and everyone, everywhere is acting like deranged chimps when they see someone without a mask.

State regulations say that I do not have to prove that I have a medical condition … yet, I am continually pushed to do just that. And masks are forced on me anyway. It is illegal – it is offensive. It is just plain rude.

If I was black, I would not have to wear a mask.

If I was muslim, I would not have to wear a mask.

If I was Asian, I would not have to wear a mask.

If I was Native American, I would not have to wear a mask.

If I was a demonrat politician (or one of their snot-nosed kids), I would not have to wear a mask.

Apparently covid-19 ONLY STRIKES AND CAN BE SPREAD by Caucasians who do not hate President Trump.

Covid-19 seems to be a very biased virus that trolls a selected group of people, weaponized by unsuspecting ‘Patriot Nationist Americans’ because pelosi believes President Trump “created the virus” to overthrow the world and dominate the masses.

pelosi is insane.

And so are the state mandates.

Legally, per State Mandate, I do not have to wear a mask. And I cannot legally be harassed for not wearing a mask.

Yet, businesses are getting around that, and their employees are rude and obnoxious.

I left Dr. Tack’s building, and drove 2 minutes up the street to AT&T to pay my bill; paying at the downtown office insures I do not get hit with a late fee. Apple is very sneaky in making sure the bill mailing and the payment received date nets them a late fee: paying downtown as soon as I receive the bill in the mail is the safest way to make sure there is no late fee.

I was kept waiting half an hour before I was ushered to a payment kiosk – simply because I was not wearing a mask. The 4 people that had been there when I arrived, had wrapped up their business and the store was empty. There was no valid reason to keep me waiting.

Other than I was mask-less.

The employees were driving a point home.

I waited them out.

The bill eventually got paid.

And I spent more $$ at Winco; following.

I am planning a 5-month hiatus.

I am d.o.n.e. with the craziness.

I did not like the Jennie-O turkey breast I cooked last year – this one seems promising.
I can eat Thanksgiving Supper with my friends; and this turkey meat will carry me through the Summer of 2021.
Froze Pumpkin Pie slices planned for future meals.
The pie slices made me think of Pumpkin Spice Lattes: I need to whip some up

I also changed the furnace filter out: it was filthy.

Filthy filter! I think this is mostly wildfire ash residue ...

I should probably contact someone about a duct cleaning estimate, too. There are a lot of dust bunnies littering the floors no matter how often I sweep the floors. The ducts are probably filled with dust – the previous owner really didn’t do much with the house other than live in it. God only, knows, when the last time the ducts were cleaned; or if they were ever cleaned.

After all this “necessary stuff” was completed, I thought I’d check my FB messages, and I saw I had a message from some widow in a Widow Group who jumped my case; thinking I was not ‘considerate enough’ and that widows who lost their husbands to covid deserve more ‘understanding’ because their husbands died from covid … and those of us who can’t wear masks should apologize for refusing to wear one.

Where the hell do people get off, making asinine demands?

Obviously, my husband died too – otherwise I would not be in a Widow’s Groups. Bob’s body didn’t die from covid … but he’s gone just the same. I refuse to apologize to another widow over death differences.


People have lost their fricking minds.

Fear and grief have made them selfish.

Fear and grief have made them mean.

I’m sick and tired of the bullshit – from every narcissistic sector of society that thinks they have the right to bully everyone else, and bulldoze over basic rights so they can feel like safe appeased lemmings.

I have the right to breathe freely!

Without apologizing to anyone for that Right.

I have the right to be out in the public breathing freely.

Without being made to feel guilty for exercising that Right.

I have the right to do business in the public sector while breathing freely.

Without being treated like a criminal for engaging in that Right.

Last time I checked – I was still living in America.

I went to bed last night … in America.

I woke up this morning … in America.

I live IN America; hopefully America will still BE America the end of this Electoral week.

Americans have Individual Rights that cannot be impeded.

By anyone: for any reason.

It is not my responsibility to make a masked person behind a Lucite partition feel comfortable WHILE they are wearing a mask and sitting comfortably behind a Lucite shield … that is just political nonsense.

They are “protected”; ((((I)))) am the one “taking a risk”, and I am NOT afraid.

Covid-19 doesn’t scare me.

I am more concerned about my air being restricted by a nonsensical tyrannical mandated mask, offensively – and seriously – hampering my airways.

I resent the push of fear they insist I should be feeling.

It is a certainty that I will die, some day – at some point.

But I refuse to be a sacrificial death so some demonrat deadhead can feel sketchily secure in the political games they have allowed themselves to be lured into engaging in.

I have plans – I will spend my 5-month hiatus working out a schedule, and a feasible budget; God willing some of them will actually become a reality.

A premature death caused by idiots is not on the docket.

I need a fricking break from all the insanity that has gripped this nation since 2009.

I wish someone would stuff a sock in barak hussain obama’s big/fat/loud/mouth.

All he (and that bitchy ‘wife’ of his) do is grab a mic and create chaotic division when they open their hate-filled racist fly traps.

I’ve really had it with the craziness that has monopolized the past 5 years, and erupted to highjack 2020.

I needed balance.

I want peace and joy in my life.

I exited FB, closed the laptop … and picked up my knitting project.

Working on last portion of Baby Sweater; 2 at once. NB
Baby Sweater body finished; ready for yoke work. NB
Starting yoke piece of Baby Sweater. NB

I will have to go into town to pick up my glasses when they are ready, but when that is done – I am settling in for an uninterrupted 5-month hiatus.

Hopefully, by March 2021, we can put all the destruction of March 2020 behind us and start living fully again.