Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, July 30, 2018


I actually designed and finished Betsy a week ago – shortly after I finished and posted Abigail Adams (, but it has been busy here with the gardens and family time, and I just have not had the time to download and post Betsy Ross FP pics:

Betsy Ross FP: designing and crafting the American Flag. Front view
Side view
Back view

I like the way these puppets have come together :-D

And I also like the bold and courageous people they represent ;-)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Wasp Woman | 1959 | Horror, Sci-Fi

I have been outside most of the day today (9 hours straight) – fertilizing veggies and flowers, harvesting my onion beds for the 3rd time (and chopping the pulled onions: 24 today), and then watering the veggie beds.

I feel sunburned; but that’s okay. A lot was accomplished today that will pay off in big dividends ;-)

I used Miracle Grow and a water bucket on the flower beds, but fertilized the edibles – veggies & herbs – with Fish Emulsion mixed and poured into a hand held sprayer; I started doing that years ago and like how the nozzle wand reaches into hard to reach spots and sprays the fertilizer directly into the root zone with no waste whatsoever:

FISH EMULSION FERTILIZER MIX going into hand-held pump
sprayer. I use this to fertilizer deep; straight to the roots.

I took inventory while I fertilized and noted several appreciative things …

The Corn bed is thriving - I saw at least 3 tassels
starting to peek out from under the top corn leaves; and a few leaf bases are starting
to swell with baby cobs. 
The stakes behind the corn stalks help keep the corn from being bent so far backwards that it breaks or falls to the ground in the high river winds that tear through here; like earlier today while I was fertilizing them.
Bush Beans are setting blossoms; beans should follow by end
of month.
Chioggia Beets plumping up and nearly ready to harvest.
Rutabagas are plumping up.
Blueberries get harvested every few days; Aza eats half of
them, but I get enough to freeze too ;-)

And in-between the fertilizing and inventory, Hubs pulled down the hummingbird feeders for a cleaning and refill – and had to tread carefully because a wasp was buzzing around one of the feeders and we are all scarily allergic to those winged demons; even so, as soon as I saw that wasp and stayed back until it flew off, I was reminded of this old Sci-fi movie posted above. LOL!

Hubs and I swell up when stung, but I have a more severe reaction that includes swelling of throat/tongue, buzzing in the ears, and an accelerated heartbeat. But I am NOT going to stop gardening or hanging hummingbird feeders, so we (including the bees and wasps) are just going to have to have to come to an agreeable conclusion with ME as alpha queen bee since I am ultimately the one who decides is they live or die ...

After the fertilizing was done and the onions harvested, I sat outside under the carport and prepared huge bowls of various cuts of onion that were measured and frozen for future Winter meals …

Third harvest of Candy Onions - 64 onions so far frozen in
various cuts. 32 left to harvest.

The castoff onion leaves were used for mulch in the veggie beds – I use EVERYTHING safely useful & beneficial to soil building for mulch ;-)

Chopped onion leaves used as mulch between veggies. This is
the Celery, Swiss Chard & Carrot bed.
Chopped onion leaves were also used to mulch the remaining
onions bed ...
And chopped onion leaves were also laid as mulch at the
base of the Roma Tomatoes - which are coming on strong :-D

… and ruined my feet by continuing to wear my thongs on them in this hot/sticky weather instead of changing into tennis shoes to do all this activity - and NO! I DID NOT wear underwear on my feet; I am referring to flip-flop footwear when I talk of thongs :-D :-D :-D

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Yesterday I posted the 1st finger puppet – John Adams – I designed and crafted for MOD ‘Old Glory Americana’ themed finger puppets (; Abigail Adams is John’s wife and she is the 2nd of this set to be completed. I worked steadily on Abigail last night from 8 p.m until around 1:30 a.m. this morning:

Abigail Adams FP FINISHED.

The more I look into the background of the American Revolutionary War and those involved in it, the more I appreciate their personal sacrifices and futuristic outlook. Hope is a revolutionary concept; and hope is sadly lacking in America among Americans today :-(

As I mentioned yesterday, these finger puppets could be a fun way to spice up the American History studies for the small fry ;-)

Abigail Adams back view.
White mop cap ‘bonnet’, Brown Hair, & Skipper Blue dress w- White trims.
White gathered mop cap, neck lace & frilly dress sleeves.
White trimmed bodice highlighted with Skipper Blue lacing.

I am basically designing and crafting this set for my 2018 Bazaar Cache, but will make a set for anyone interested and messages me. The entire set will be priced at $25, which is a fair price for them … and far below value for my materials and hours put in – to date I have 10-1/2 Hours invested (of which I take 1 or 2 quick ‘pit stop exits’ to the bathroom when needed. I am only asking ONE HOUR COST at minimum wage for the entire set); and while using scraps to make the finger puppets, I will need to purchase 3 skeins of yarn (@ $3.85 EA) to make the carry/storage pouch to put them into. As I stated in the yesterday’s post, I ask $5 a piece for my finger puppets, but as you can calculate by what I just posted … ALL the other finger puppets in this set will - for all intents and purposes - be FREE; as well as the hours I put in last night; and will put in until the set is completed and tagged. And my finger puppets are designed to hold up under active and prolonged use: unlike those made in asia or south america that can be purchased in children’s clothing stores and fall apart practically before the cashier has closed the cashier’s drawer.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


This idea actually came to me 7 years ago

MOD Original Draft Drawings

… but I have only recently found free time to get to it; and to be honestly truthful, when the obama coup took place there seemed to be no point. Now, however, that there is REAL PRESIDENT in The White House and Oval Office that truly has America and Americans’ best interests at the forefront of his administrative agendas, it seems the appropriate time to get to work designing/crafting them ;-)

This finger puppet set would be a good background prop for a home educating History teaching session, as well as a good addition to my 2018 Bazaar Cache :-D

I started work on John Adams around 9 p.m. last night and finished him up at 2:30 a.m. this morning – 5-1/2 hours straight work went into his creation. I ask $5 for each of my 1-of-1-kind-finger puppets … and get it ;-)

John Adams FP FINISHED. Black Tricorn, Black Hair, Brown Vest, & Ivory Frilled Shirt.
 John Adams Back View. Cape Cod Blue queue ribbon ...
Top view of Tricorn hat

And I enjoyed every second of it!

Thursday, July 19, 2018


This recipe is quick and simple – guaranteed to keep you out of the hot kitchen until serving time ;-)

I generally buy a bag of lemons and juice them – pouring the juice into plastic ice cube trays and freezing them for recipes that call for tablespoons of lemon juice (each cube of each tray will equal 1 TBSP).

1 pound Country Style Ribs * 1 TBSP dry Onion (or ¼ cup fresh, diced) * ½ cup Water * 2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar * 1 TBSP Worcestershire Sauce * ¼ cup Lemon Juice * 2 TBSP Brown Sugar * 1 cup Chili Sauce * ½ teaspoon Salt * ¼ teaspoon Paprika * ¼ teaspoon black Pepper * 1 teaspoon dry Mustard

Put the onion, lemon juice and half the sauce in the bottom of your crockpot:

Keep some sauce off to the side to pour over ribs ...

Remove the ribs from their wrapper and add to the sauce in the crockpot, pushing them into the sauce to make sure the sauce us coating the meat pretty well; then pour the remaining sauce over the ribs so the meat is covered thoroughly:

Cover and cook on LOW for 6 hours - or until meat is done.

That’s it :-D

Simple and easy peasy ;-)


All I can say is … the author of this piece is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay BEHIND the times. THUS has been happening IN America FOR DECADES – ever since the 1970’s upheaval of families due to rabid and whacked {feminism} that is the face of the libtard demoncrat party today.

((((THANK GOD)))) I woke up, wised up, and stopped pandering to the feminist movement >:-P


The Human Cost of Sweden’s Welfare State - 2 days ago: A Group Of Women Berated My Friend In A Public Park Because Her 2-year-old Son Wasn’t In Day Care. By Erica Komisar July 11, 2018 6:08 p.m. ET

American liberals sometimes hold up Sweden as a model of social order, equality of the sexes, and respect for parental responsibilities. Its welfare state offers excellent free or subsidized prenatal care, 480 days of paid leave for both natural and adoptive parents, and additional leave for moms who work in physically strenuous jobs. Swedish parents have the option to reduce their normal hours (and pay) up to 25% until a child turns 8. But all this assistance comes at a steep cost.

At 61.85%, Sweden has the highest personal income tax rate in the world. That money pays for the kind of support many American women would welcome, but it comes with pressure on women to return to the workforce on the government’s schedule, not their own.

The Swedish government also supports and subsidizes institutionalized day care (they call it preschool), promoting the belief that professional care-givers are better for children than their own mothers. If a mother decides she wants to stay at home with her child beyond the state-sanctioned maternity leave, she receives no additional allowance. That creates an extreme financial burden on those families, and the pressure is social as well.

A 32-year-old friend told me that she was in the park with her 2-year-old son, when she was surrounded by a group of women who berated her for not having the boy in day care. The Swedish government attempts to provide equal work opportunities for both sexes, which is laudable. But toward that end, it promotes the false idea that mothers are not uniquely important to babies.

Women who prefer to stay home with very young children are stigmatized as regressive and antifeminist. The Feminist Initiative, a radical political party, touts day care as a way to “liberate women from their maternal instincts.” Sweden’s maternity policies may be good for economic growth and egalitarian ideals, but not for the social or emotional health of young children.

Ample scientific research shows that institutionalized day care is bad for very young children. The ratio of staff to children is too low, and the environment is confusing, overly stimulating and potentially harmful to a child’s developing brain. Ninety percent of Swedish children under 5 are in day care. This likely contributes to mental-health problems. In 2012 roughly 20% of Swedish adolescents reported at least five instances of self-harming behavior, and the teen suicide rate hit a 25-year high in 2013. For all its concern about equality, Sweden has one of the most sex-segregated labor markets in the world. Nearly 80% of Swedish mothers work, compared with around 70% in the U.S. Swedish women are disproportionately employed in stereotypically feminine fields like nursing and day care and highly underrepresented in “masculine” fields like finance and engineering. Only about 36% of management positions in Sweden are held by women—lower than in the U.S., Canada, France, Russia or Australia. The median wage for Swedish women is 13.4% lower than for Swedish men. And as of 2013, 72% of public employees were women.

Many of the day-care centers meant to “liberate women from their maternal instincts” are staffed by mothers separated from their own babies by the need to work.

While Sweden has worked hard to eliminate material poverty, it is creating a society whose children are suffering from emotional poverty.

Children need their parents, and very young children especially need their mothers. I worry that the U.S. is heading in the same direction. Women increasingly value—or are pressured to value—career and professional achievement over family. Like Sweden, Americans have devalued parenting, and specifically motherhood, and are creating emotionally impoverished young people who have difficulty in sustaining intimate relationships and functioning as independent adults.

I consider myself a feminist, but what is pro-woman about denying that the hard work of raising healthy, stable and loving children is important? Instead of forcing women to make choices for the economic benefit of the country, society should empower them to make choices in the best interests of themselves and their families.

-Ms. Komisar, a psychoanalyst, is author of “Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters.”



Meanwhile Saul, still threatening to kill the disciples of Adonai, went to the high priest. He requested from him letters to the synagogues in Damascus, stating that if he found any followers of Ha’Mashiach’s Way – men or women – he might arrest them and bring them back to Jerusalem in chains. He journeyed on until he came near to Damascus.


Suddenly, a light from Heaven shone around him. He fell down to the ground and then heard a voice speaking to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” ‘Who are you, Lord?’ Saul asked. “I am Yeshua. Whom you are persecuting”, Adonai answered. “It is dangerous for you to resist and rebel”. Trembling, and astonished, Saul asked, ‘Adonai, what do You want me to do?’ Adonai said to him, “Rise up and go in to the city and you will be told what to do.”


His companions stood speechless, for they heard the voice but saw no one. Saul then got up from the ground, but on opening his eyes could not see anything. So, leading him by the hand, they brought him into Damascus. Then for 3 days he was without sight, and he abstained from food and drink.

There was in Damascus a disciple by the name of Ananias. Adonai appeared to him in a vision and said, “Ananias.” ‘Yes, Lord,’ he replied, ‘I am here.’ Adonai then said, “Rise up and go over to Straight Street to the house of Judas and ask for a man of Tarsus – Saul by name. You will find him in prayer. He had a vision in which he saw a man named Ananias come to him and put his hand on him so that he might see once more.” But Ananias answered, ‘But, Adonai, many have told me about this man, how many hardships he has brought upon our saints in Jerusalem. And besides, he came here with authority from the chief priests to put in chains everyone who calls on Your Name.’ “Nevertheless,” Adonai said to him, “Go, because this man in My chosen vessel to carry My Name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel. Yes, he will have to suffer much for My Name’s sake, and that I shall make clear to him.”

Accordingly, Ananias went to that house and, placing his hands on Saul, said, ‘Brother, Adonai Yeshua, Who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here, has sent me so that you may have your sight restored and be filled with The Ruach.’ And at once something like scales fell from his eyes, and he recovered his eyesight instantly. Then he got up and was baptized. After that, he ate some food and recovered his strength. And for some days Saul stayed in Damascus with the disciples.


Saul began at once to preach in the synagogues that Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is Ben Elohim (Christ is the Son of God). And all who heard him were therefore astounded, and said, ‘Is this not the man who in Jerusalem brought death and destruction on those who called on His Name? And has he not come here for the very purpose of arresting such persons and to bring them to the chief priests?’ But Saul preached with ever increasing power and, by his proofs that Yeshua was Mashiach, he bewildered the Jews who lived in Damascus. Quite a number of days came and went before the Jews formed a conspiracy to put Saul to death, but he got wind of their plot. They even stood watch at the city gates day and night, bent on killing him. The disciples, therefore, helped him escape by night, letting him down over the wall in a basket.


When Saul came back to Jerusalem he tried to associate with the disciples there, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple. Then Barnabas took charge of him. He brought him along to the Apostles, told them how Saul had seen Adonai Yeshua on the way, how Adonai had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly in Damascus in the Name of Yeshua. After that, he could go in and out freely among them in Jerusalem, and he preached fearlessly in the Name of Yeshua. He spoke also to the Greek-speaking Jews (Hellenists) and argued with them, but they made plans to have him out to death. When the brethren learned of this, they brought Saul down to Caesarea and sent him on to Tarsus. Then the congregation throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria really enjoyed peace for a time. They were being built up. They walked in the fear of Adonai and in the consolation of The Ruach. They increased in numbers.


When Simon Peter was making a visitation trip to all parts of the field, he came to the disciples living at Lydda. There he found a man named Aeneas who had been kept to his bed for 8 years, being paralyzed. Simon Peter said to him, ‘”Aeneas, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is going to heal you. Get up and make your bed! He got up at once. And all the inhabitants of Lydda and Sharon saw him, and turned to Yeshua.


In Joppa there lived a disciple named Tabitha, which in Greek is translated Dorcas, meaning gazelle. She was always busy doing good, and helping the poor. Then one day she took sick and died. After they had washed her body, they laid her in an upper room. Since Lydda was near Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Simon Peter was at Lydda, they sent 2 messengers to him, begging him not to delay but to come at once. Simon Peter got ready and went with them. When they got there, they brought him to the upper room where all the widows were standing around, crying and displaying the dresses and coats Dorcas had made while she was with them. Simon Peter made them all leave the room, after which he kneeled down and prayed. Next, he turned to her body and said, “Tabitha, arise!” And she opened her eyes. Then, seeing Simon Peter, she sat up. He took her hands and lifted her up, and then, having called in the saints and the widows, he presented her to them alive. News of this went throughout all of Joppa and many came to believe in Adonai Yeshua. After this, Simon Peter stayed on in Joppa for quite a while at the home of one Simon, a tanner.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


No one wants to slave over a hot stove in Summer temperatures!

But we all like to eat tasty and appealing meals ;-)

This quick recipe fills that bill …

QUICK SPANISH PAELLA ~ Makes 4 servings

¼ teaspoon Salt * 6 ounces long-grain white Rice * 2 TBSP Olive Oil * ½ cup chopped Onion * 3 Garlic cloves, minced * 4 ounces skinless/boneless COOKED Chicken * 2 cans chopped Clams * 1 can chopped Tomatoes * 1/8 teaspoon Turmeric * 5 ounces Shrimp, shelled & deveined * 1 cup frozen Peas * 2 cups Water

Ingredients measured and at hand saves time in the kitchen ...

1. In large non-stick skillet heat the oil on medium heat and saute onions, and garlic.

2. Add rice, water, and salt; bring to a boil – cover, reduce heat, and simmer about 5 minutes.

3. Stir clams, tomatoes, saffron, chicken and peas into the rice mixture; cover and cook over medium-low heat about 10 minutes.

4. Add shrimp; cover and cook 5 to 6 minutes more … or until shrimp are opaque and firm.