Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, May 7, 2022


Today was going to be busy.

Today would sparkle all day long πŸ˜‰

Duct cleaning was scheduled for 2 P.M. (the house would need to be sparkling clean before I turned on for the night); but before the dust got stirred up, I had time to drive out to Lexington 😊

I laughed when I caught sight of myself in the mirror: my gray jeggings and black leather, knee-high boots reminded me the pants and boots Paul Revere and The Raiders wore in their early career days (I told yu’all a few days back, that everything I do, think, and say relates in some way to a song)of course, none of those high-stepping fellas resembled the chubby 65-year-old Solo Lobo looking back at me from the floor-length mirror.

And that memory of the Raiders in their skinny pants, jarred another memory of Bob. I liked Paul Revere and the Raiders’ music … and local bands would often play one or two of their songs before the evening ended; when we went out on the town. When Bob was feeling real good, he’d take his dance steps in the direction of Fang; and I’d be laughing so hard at Bob’s clowning, that dancing was momentarily forgotten πŸ˜‰

My simple beaded necklace was admired; and I also wore non-metal bracelets; elasticized beads. I can't have metals on my skin - metal literally burns my skin like fire.
Brought memories to mind ...
Paul Revere & The Raiders – ‘Get It On’ song:
Sparkly makeup & glasses ...

I sparkled – and I was still laughing – when I walked out the door.

Having fun is fun!

I left the Lexington get-together early because I wanted to stop at the grocery store before the Power Vac guys arrived: I have been invited to spend Mother’s Day afternoon with friends: I accepted, this year 😊

And I want to contribute something to the meal.

While standing in line, waiting to be checked out, I saw an article headline that had me quietly laughing. I don’t think I have noticeable beautybut I do know that I have noticeable swagger πŸ˜‰ I’ve aways had a healthy sense of self. I am comfortable in my own skin.

And I’m not lost in a fog anymore. Lately, there is a definite swaggering pep to my step. LOL

My contribution to Sunday’s Mother’s Day Supper.
Implication: walk or behave in a very confident manner.

Just as I was sliding the holiday contributions into the ‘fridge, I got a text that the Power Vac fells were on their way.

I left, and let them do their thing; I drove to Willow Grove County Park and ended up finishing the Word Puzzle Book Bob had started 3¼ years ago. That was a sad moment, because I knew when the last search was completed, the book would be destined for the garbage can

House ducts being cleaned …
Asking divine protection.
Everyone was atwitter with speculations. LOL
The theme of the get-togethers.
I think I'll order some prescription sunglasses.
The new tinted glasses do NOT 'tint' inside the car; the sun glare is blinding.
Bob's Word Search book is finished - I did the last search.
MONDAY. Bob, at OHSU in December of 2018, spending a leisurely day doing a Word Search page; a very poignant memory … Friday Bob would be in Heaven.

Just as I was wrapping up the Word Search Book, the fellas called to tell me they had finished the job. Before I paid him, he walked through the house with me, and said, “Your ducts were really pretty clean – but this that you see on the floor, is dryer lint. We cleaned the dryer vent too, but this stuff just cycled all through the house.”

I looked at the scattered lint, and thought, ‘the house will just have to wait for its sparkle cleanup, until after I have eaten Supper’.

Dryer lint ...
Thanking everyone for their protective prayers.
Running back into town before cleaning house.
Fortification; LOL

At least, I know the furnace/air-conditioning ducts are clean for the next three years.

I’ll have to figure out a way to clean the dryer lint behind the dryer without buying a vacuum cleaner: I don’t need a vacuum clear, other than to suck up dryer lint.

I sparkled today.

The atmosphere of the Lexington get-together was loaded with sparkling personalities and interesting convo.

The house is now sparkling clean … and I’m shuffling off to Buffalo πŸ˜‰


  1. I'm new to your blog but can I please give you my condolences for the loss of Bob. I do agree with you though, you certainly know what makes you sparkle.

    1. Thanks for stopping by :-)

      Thank you also for your kindness.

      And, yes ... I do know how to sparkle ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by - have a funtastic week ahead!
