Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, May 2, 2022


I was visiting a friend Sunday afternoon, and she mentioned she was making chili for Supper. I’ve been thinking of making a pot of chili. But I am also thinking the freezer needs clearing out to make room for this year’s veggie harvest if the rain stops long enough to get the garden started πŸ˜‰

I woke up with back pain this morning (I move all over the bed in my sleep, so any one of those positions could have tweaked me good ); so, before I did a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g., I placed a pain-killing patch on my upper back where that slipped disc is located (you get a cardio workout trying to do this solo lobo  it's like wrestling a sticky octopus!)

I need to grab some more boxes of these things when I'm in town, again.

… and rethought the chili: instead, I would make a vegetable soup for my Supper tonight; while laundry was washing and drying 😊 (Recipe follows at end of post).

Last week, I had pulled some fresh Spring leeks when I turned the soil over in the veggie boxes; when the rain stopped for 45 minutes, which was long enough for me to get outside and pull the out-of-control weeds. So, those fresh leeks – sitting in water in a large glass – were pulled from the ‘fridge, washed and sliced; and went into the soup pot this afternoon.

Homegrown Leeks; smells SO GOOD.

Along with carrots and turnips I pulled from the freezer.

Homegrown Carrots & Turnips.

I reached high to collect the herbs needed to add flavor: a good stretch is preferrable to climbing my little ladder (12” off the ground is too high for me!): and I was wearing that pain-killing patch ;-)

Homegrown, dried, and crushed Herbs.

I pulled frozen chunks of zucchini, and used those: freezer clearing was under way, and I was anticipating colorful, chunkier, homemade soup in a few hours 😊

Homegrown yellow & green Zucchini.

The ceramic pot was slipped into the electrified aluminum crockpot sleeve, and the temperature dial was set. Supper will be done when the laundry is finished; and the house will be filled with the yummy scent of anticipation.

Set to cook ... I love the smell of home cooking, and the cozy felling that comes with it.
View from my windows today … STILL. Can someone explain to me how we have a drought situation with ALL this continual rain???

Vegetable Soup ~makes 8 servings (about 1 cup each)

2 large Leeks, cleaned and sliced * 1½ cups diced Celery * 3 Tbsp. unsalted Butter * 2 large Carrots, sliced or diced * 1 small Turnip, julienned or diced * 4½ cups Beef Stock, or broth * ½ teaspoon Salt * ¼ teaspoon dried Thyme, crumbled * ¼ teaspoon dried Marjoram, crushed * 1/8 teaspoon dried Rosemary, crumbled * 1/8 teaspoon ground White Pepper * 3 medium Potatoes, diced * 1 medium Zucchini, diced

Place all ingredients, herbs, and stock in crock pot: and set temperature to High for 6 hoursor until the potatoes are sufficiently cooked through.


  1. Mmmm. Looks like a wonderful soup!
    Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 18.

    1. It is tasty ... light, but tasty :-)

      Thank you, for hosting the Linkie Party!

      Have a great week :-)

  2. Sorry to hear about your back, hope the patch gave some relief. Making soup is a lovely way to empty the fridge and freezer a little to make more space, you could even freeze your left overs. I'm avoiding growing root vegetables until I'm healthier to dig the soil over deep enough.
    Thank you for joining in with #pocolo

  3. Thank you; yes, the patch worked great.

    I always freeze my leftovers ;-) I'm a solo lobo now.

    I hope you can plant root crops again, soon. Thanks for stopping by - have a funtastic week ahead!

  4. I love vegetable soup. This looks delish! Thanks for sharing on Crafty Creators!
    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

    1. It is delish :-)

      Thanks for stopping by ... and thanks for hosting the Hop: have a funtastic week!
