Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, July 4, 2022


I woke up this morning to people shouting “hounds need to be unleashed – kill it! Kill it!

Apparently there has been another cougar sighting.

The sighting was in the upper hills of Longview – I drive this route sometimes when I want to avoid downtown traffic.

Cougar spotted this morning, on Cedar Place, Longview-WA
Reported cougar sighting.

This is reported to be a third sighting … probably the same one seen in different locations of the area. Maybe. The cougar seems to mysteriously disappear into thin air: yet the video background remains the same. The cougar is in the frame – then {poof!} it’s out of the frame; suspiciously.

While I will agree that cougars (I have actually seen a cougar in the wild, slink across the road in front of our pickup and fade into the roadside foliage: it was beautiful!) will melt into the background as if they had never been there at allthey do not just walk into a hidden time warp window; as this one seems to do.

The cougar could really exist.

Or …

But whatever the truth of the matter may be, it does not deserve to have hounds set on it: it can be captured and released. If it’s the real deal, it’s no doubt a yearling looking for a place to habitate. It does not deserve to die simply because humans keep pushing themselves into wildlife habitats.

People that choose to live in forested areas, choose to live with the wildlife there … and they need to work with it. MPO

I jetted off a few comments, and got off of FB – you simply cannot talk common sense with bloodthirsty hysterics.

I was going to Fellowship this morning, and picking a friend up along the way. I wore my red-white-& blue skirt to honor the 4th of July Holiday, tomorrow – and the only top I had in my closet that was “workable”. I wasn’t really happy with the outfit, but it was what it was. Workable.

Skirts are not my friend, no matter what top I wear with them. I do what I can with what I have to work with (clothing items and physical shape), and hope for the best.

When I pulled into my friend’s driveway, I spotted a doe in her front yard.

Doe seen; my friends and her fammily are working with the deer crossings.

She told me she saw three bucks walk through her front yard the other day, and we had a good laugh when I and said her yard must be a deer thoroughfare, like the sky over my house is a geese freeway πŸ˜‰

Fellowship was enjoyable. And I’ll be enjoying a 4th of July Celebration in the country tomorrow 😊

After I got back home this afternoon, I changed my clothes and watered the garden area. It seems like no matter what I pulled out of the closet to put on today, it was {workable}, but not appealing on the body. But, what are you gonna do – except roll with it. It is what it is.

Finished with the veggie bed area, I watered the front flowerbeds as well as the hanging planters along the carport eaves. And I noticed that one of the cacti pads I had repotted in May, had babies popping up 😊

This is exciting to me because I have never tried this with cacti pads before; it’s a good feeling of accomplishment when something new prospers πŸ˜‰

The Bunny Ear Cactus pad has rooted - 2 baby pads sprouting.

Back inside, I got busy making little vest & beanie sets for premature babies. This is a volunteer work close to my heart: a friend in high school had a premature baby girl (1-pound, 6 ozs.: grew up to be normal sized, and is still thriving) my younger brother and his wife had a premature baby girl (just barely longer than a Barbie Doll, with a little head the size of a tennis ball); Jamie Lee grew up … and is no longer ‘little’ in any sense of the word.

2 to 3 pound Preemie Vest & Beanie Set; crochet - mint green.

These little things make up very quickly, and they are perfect for the babies who have to stay incubated until they are physically strong enough to go home – they are tiny warming items of loose clothing that work great in helping these little babies stay warm; and help the parents keep hope alive, when they see their little bundles of love wrapped in items that have some semblance of baby clothing appeal … while not complicating the tangle of life sustaining tubes, ect. I am glad I found this pattern online 😊

So far, this week has gotten off to a good start; now I’m going to do a load of jeans: I have lots of tops in the closet that work perfectly with those πŸ˜‰

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