Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


A day outside always chills me out 😁

Hopefully when my windshield gets fixed, I can get back to Sunday~Funday adventures again ... but, today, I was in my garden area and noticed my corn is starting to tassel 😊

Corn: I can just about taste the hot buttered corn now 😁

When I got inside, I heard cheeping from the bird house out front: SUPER EXCITED!

BABY BIRDS! The outside chirping was loud enough to be heard over the inside air conditioner running ...

Bob would have gotten a bang out of this. Every year, since we moved in here in 2017, there has been a nest in the birdhouse Bob built for me.

2017: The first year, there was just the nest.

2018: The second year, there was a nest and an empty egg - we all 3, watched that bird house every day; Bob & I were hoping Aza would get to see baby birds ... but that was not to be; the hatching never happened and the bird couple finally abandoned the nest altogether. Bob & I were thinking the nesting family was an inexperienced and immature bird couple.

Then, Bob went into the hospital August 30th - and Aza went to live with Alyna; in another State. Bob went to Heaven in December: he'd never build me another bird house. He'd never watch birds darting in and out of the bird house again.

2019: Another nest - another empty egg. I was beginning to wonder if the bird couple was sterile: is that even possible? Yes – it appears infertility even happens with birds (Infertile / Clear Eggs | Beauty of Birds)

2020: This year, I noticed that there was another nest in the birdhouse (the side always bulges when a nest is in residence): I prayed the bird family would try again. They did - for months I've watched as they came and went, and I knew something was up when one of them hung around ... not straying very far from the bird feeder or the birdhouse. Today, when I came back into the house from my garden area; I heard the unmistakable sound of baby birds chirping as one of the parent birds ducked inside. 

I could hear them clearly IN THE HOUSE - they were that loud 😁

EXCITEMENT! I can't wait to see the little ones’ fledging.

I wish Bob was here to see that ...

I love you, Babe.

Always ~ OX

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