Wedding Song - God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I already knew that this Fall & Winter would be a biggie for me emotionally.

Bob & I faced his imminent death September through December of 2018 – so, I already knew I would be facing a hard 4 months, following Bob’s cremains interment at Eden Valley on what would have been his 70th birthday, on August 30th this year.

Every day since September arrived, I have relived my husband’s physical death – I really did not need to be dealing with more AT/T bullshit today.

But … that is what happened.

First off this morning, after mentally shaking myself to escape my torturous mind’s hospital replays of last Fall, the first thing to come up on my phone newsfeed is the news that the front man for ‘The Cars’ pop-rock band died (; I like that band, so that news hit me hard too.

Then, my phone rings and informs me with a message from AT/T that they have not received their payment – WTH?

I know that can’t be right … I JUST PAID IT!

So, in a huff, I yank some clothing on and run into town to find out what the hell is going on NOW.

The staff there is of NO help whatsoever - they just parrot company twaddle.

So, I hold my hand up to shut the parrots up, and promise litigation measures of they don't get this issue sorted out. Then, I run over to the bank to get a printout of BILLS PAID before heading home to gather up ALL my PAID AT/T Bills from January 2019 right up to the latest, September 4th, 2019 (for confirmation before I head back downtown to rake AT/T over the coals):

This {issue} was supposed to have been sorted out July 31st! I was at the downtown Office raising hell THEN - and TOLD it had been "corrected". Apparently not ... I am ready to spit nails right now.

Then I hopped back into my car, and run EVERYTHING over to the AT/T Office downtown, trying to get this latest infuriating AT/T snafu figured out, thinking, “I am so sick and tired of AT/T’s bullshit – if it isn’t straightened out in an hour’s time, Grandma may be going to jail today …”

What I got was a runaround from both AT/T & Red Canoe … and for about half an hour, I DID seriously think I would be going to jail on assault and battery charges if the bullshit prattle didn’t stop (mentally, I was slamming heads together & praying Yeshua would hold me in check): the AT/T Office downtown told me “we can’t deal with this issue - call your bank and we’ll deal with the convo” – so, I called the bank: and the bank informed us both that “the bank can’t deal with the issue – contact AT/T” – I was already AT the AT/T Office, and the Bank rep WAS talking WITH the AT/T rep!; I was really building up a head of steam at that point. I lost my patience and promised AT/T a litigation process if the bullshit wasn’t straightened out ASAP: Bob has been physically dead since December – and I changed the account in January (they said that was clearly documented!) – it was also clear that there has been NO billing issues FOR MONTHS, and all of a sudden AT/T IS BILLING A DEAD MAN AT HIS DEAD ACCOUNT????


Apparently, the issue STILL REVOLVES AROUND my dead husband’s dead accounts at BOTH institutions – both of which, at this point, looked like lunatic asylums with the inmates running the places.

I snapped, and I bared my 62 year old teeth and snapped at both the downtown offices that “someone had better DO SOMETHING FAST to resolve this issue once and for all or I am suing AT/T and moving my banking business elsewhere. I am done being jerked around: I have had it.”

I do NOT want to continually relive Bob's death - and this ongoing {issue} forces me to do that :-(

And I put $20 in the gas tank between jerked back and forth, and burned $10 of it running up and down the damned highway!

So, I went back to the bank and a gal there contacted AT/T bigwig and got the issue straightened out over the phone – the AT/T person on the other end of the line was surprised that the $$$ had gone into a dead account last month and this month; and confirmed that Bob’s account had been closed in January, and the phone was under a new account, with my name only … and that until last month, the billing had gone smoothly. So, she worked her magic on that end, and as of right now, I have been assured that the issue is no longer an issue – but, I have heard that before: LAST MONTH to be specific >:-P

And the gal at the bank, thinks the issue may have stemmed from when I was forced to close our joint account and set up a new one – apparently when they transferred the Bill Pay Info from our account to my account, the bank girl that did the set-up, mistyped the old account number for AT/T, instead of using my new one … BUT EVEN SO, AT/T SHOULD HAVE PICKED UP ON THAT! Surely someone at AT/T is smart enough to KNOW that $$$ should NOT be going INTO A DEAD ACCOUNT and notified the Bank!


People aren't talking to people ... and machines aren't talking to people: what the hell good is technolocgy, when it causes a frustrating and infuriating situation!

With all the drama focusing on my dead husband and his dead account, I am inclined to think that perhaps AT/T is owned, staffed, operated, and conducting business with a demoncrat mindset, because the demoncrats are the only people I know where the dead rise to the occasion to pay bills, the dead make phone calls, the dead vote, and the dead conduct business as usual: as far as the demoncrats are concerned, the dead are restless. Bob would be furious; Bob was not a demoncrat. Bob did not support the demoncrat party when he was still among us. Bob did not vote demoncrat. And I am tired of AT/T raising him from the dead to try to squeeze more $$$ out of me!

All I know, right now, is that this {issue} had better not be an issue next month. It’s getting old and wearing thin … and they are stepping on my last nerve >:-P

I stopped at Safeway on the way home, and was somewhat cheered by their Fall displays:

Pumpkin display – I always cheer up when I see pumpkins ;-)
Fall display.
Chrysanthemums and miniature pumpkins.
Black-Eyed-Susans – I have always liked these flowers; I suppose they are a hang-on memory from my years in Minnesota, where they are everywhere in the Fall.

And saw 3 more houses were put up for sale back at home base; it really is a  sad thing to see since Candy Scott took over as {manager} here – she has single-handedly sent over 2/3rds of the Park packing and fleeing …

Every month new houses are put up for sale.
People are tired of dealing with Candy’s craziness and general carping.
Since Candy took over, people don’t like living here anymore: this used to be a nice neighborhood with a nice atmosphere – no more; that congenial ambiance is gone.

And after I parked the car in the carport, I pulled the begonia down because the wind riding on the rain was picking up and I didn’t want the risk an upend. Then I snipped some herbs, and hung them to dry. The back room is smelling pretty pungent, but it also smells homey.

Then, I called my BIL Kerry, and told him I would be forgoing the mountain venture this year ... and asked him if he knew how to sharpen tools (I thought he would because he is a mountain man, after all), and would he teach me how to do that - he explained the process to me, and it seems pretty easy and straght-forward, so I think I may tackle that chore tomorrow; I have pruners and clippers that need to be sharpened - scissors too, and he said the process would be the same ;-)

The wind was blowing very gusty and I was afraid this begonia I bought for Bob years ago because he liked the flower and the color, would fall and break on the carport concrete slab.
I harvested some Rosemary, French Tarragon, & English Thyme.
Air-drying Tarragon (upper bar) & Thyme (lower bar) on the 2-tier hanging rack Bob designed & built for me.
Air-drying Rosemary on the smaller hanging rack Bob designed & built for me.

I really do hope and pray things settle down and good times can roll again.

I have had enough trauma drama these past 12 months – I am really READY to let the good time roll :-D

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